Allocate all your points to resource your Local Police
You've used all your resources!!
Your Local Police resources will not attend emergency response calls, resulting in 23,045 calls for service not being investigated by Officers on the ground. Victims of violent crimes will go unaided and arrest and prosecution of suspects will become unlikely.
With minimal resources allocated to Local Policing Teams attending Emergency calls in your area, the majority of Emergency calls will see a delayed response time and less officers in attendance.
Resources will be brought from other areas to travel greater distances to attend these calls or Neighbourhood Policing teams will have to extract from their own duties to ensure victims of serious crimes are assisted.
Local Policing Teams in your area should be able to attend every emergency call although at a slightly increased response time. At times resources from other departments may be required to assist with major incidents.
It is inevitable that non-emergency calls will have to be re-evaluated and attended at a much later time or date or investigated by your Telephone Resolution Unit over the phone or victims asked to take themselves to Stations for scheduled appointments.
All 23,045 emergency calls will be attended as soon as possible, with the most serious calls being attended first. Victims of serious crimes in your area will receive an appropriate service in a timely manner.
With additional resources allocated to Emergency calls in your area, victims will see improved response times, swift and comprehensive investigations and communities will see a more visible Police presence on the whole.
All 23,045 emergency calls will be attended swiftly with the availability of more Police, with the most serious calls being attended first. Victims of all serious crimes in your area will receive a prompt response with complete and comprehensive investigations.
Local Policing Teams allocated to Emergency calls will now have the ability to be more proactive, patrolling crime hot spot areas, conducting vehicle check points, including stop and searches and with increased visibility criminals will see disruption to their activities. Assault and Robbery along with other crime levels will fall as a result.
No Police resources will attend priority response calls in your area, resulting in 256,505 calls for service not being investigated by Local Policing Teams.
Rest of Local Policing such as Neighbourhood Teams would be unable to deal with the additional workload.
Local Policing Teams in your area response times to any priority call will be significantly increased. As a result Police will have to utilise other investigative methods such as our Telephone Resolution Unit dealing with appropriate matters over the phone and asking victims to conduct their own enquiries such as house to house or CCTV collection.
Police will have to use Station Appointments for all appropriate incidents, asking victims and members of the public to attend stations rather than Police coming to their homes or businesses.
This could mean the majority of 64 Thefts and 50 Criminal committed every day will go unattended by Police in person but over the phone.
Local Policing Teams in your area response times to priority calls will be increased. It is possible that only 38 (60%) of the recorded thefts and 30 (60%) criminal damages will only be attended; Resulting in the rest of the calls having to be dealt by our Telephone Resolution Units over the phone and victims having to conduct their own enquiries.
Police will attempt to use Station Appointments for most appropriate incidents, asking victims and members of the public to attend stations rather than Police coming to their homes or businesses.
To avoid exponential delay in calls that will require a Police attendance, resources from other teams such as Neighbourhood Policing Teams will have to be utilised, abstracting them from critical work in the community or some calls will be scheduled for less busy periods.
All 23,045 priority calls will be attended by Local Policing Teams as required in a timely fashion. Only those calls deemed appropriate to be dealt with by our Telephone Resolution Units over the phone or be arranged for Station appointments however this will only be in when strictly appropriate. Allowing Local Policing Teams in your area will find some time to be proactive to deter the likes of Criminal Damage and Theft Offences by patrolling shopping complex's or parks, and engaging with youths more.
Still likelihood for some calls to be scheduled but this will be the exception rather than the rule.
All 23,045 priority calls will be attended by Local Policing Teams as required in quicker response times. Only those calls deemed appropriate to be dealt with by our Telephone Resolution Units over the phone will be progressed in that manner allowing Local Policing Teams in your area will find extra time to be proactive to deter the likes of Criminal Damage and Theft Offences by patrolling shopping complex's or parks, and engaging with youths more.
Very few calls will be scheduled as more resources are available to attend more class, crimes will be investigated quicker, investigations more thorough and the result being more positive results for victims.
All 23,045 priority calls will be attended by Local Policing Teams in a much quicker fashion. Only those calls deemed appropriate to be dealt with by our Telephone Resolution Units over the phone will be progressed in that manner allowing Local Policing Teams in your area will find much more time to be proactive to deter the likes of Criminal Damage and Theft Offences by patrolling shopping complex's or parks, and engaging with youths more.
No calls will be scheduled as Police have enough resources to attend all Priority calls to conduct quick thorough investigations resulting in many more positive results for victims. Community confidence to rise and crime rates to fall.
No Police resources will attend emergency and priority response calls to road traffic collisions in your area, resulting in 279,550 calls for service, 49,811 motoring offences and 6,046 road traffic collisions not being attended or investigated. Drink Drivers will go unstopped, motoring offences will go unpunished and Local Police will not be able to assist those involved in road traffic collisions.
Nearly 40,000 Motoring Offences will go undetected every year; casualties of Road traffic Collisions in your area will see a substantial increase in time for Police Attendance. Road closures and intensive investigations for serious Road Traffic Collisions will have to be sought outside of Local Policing.
There could be serious ramifications for the safety of Road users as less visible Police on the road conducting Speed awareness and Vehicle check points.
Nearly 20,000 Motoring Offences will go undetected every year; casualties of Road traffic Collisions in your area will see an increase in time for Police Attendance. Road closures and intensive investigations for serious Road Traffic Collisions will have to be sought from elsewhere in Local Policing.
With less Police dealing with such offences, speeding and no insurance likely to rise, greater risk to safety of those using the road networks in Northern Ireland.
All 23,045 emergency calls will be attended as soon as possible. Detections of motor offences will remain high and all injury road traffic collisions will go on being attended in your area.
Communities will see a Police presence on the road networks in Northern Ireland, Local Police will find the resources to ensure roads are safely closed when natural incidents such as fallen trees or floods occur in addition to serious road traffic collisions.
All 23,045 emergency and priority calls will be attended swiftly. Detections of motor offences will increase and all injury road traffic collisions will go on being attended in your area.
Communities will see a larger Police presence on the road networks in Northern Ireland, Local Police will find the resources to ensure roads are safely closed when natural incidents such as fallen trees or floods occur in addition to serious road traffic collisions. On a regular basis Local Police will find more time to proactively patrol the roads, conducting more vehicle check points, detecting more offences such as No Insurance and have the ability the monitor more roads for speeding or mobile phone offences.
All 23,045 emergency calls will be attended immediately when possible. Detections of motor offences will increase substantially and all injury road traffic collisions will go on being attended in your area.
Communities will see a major Police presence on the road networks in Northern Ireland, Local Police will find the resources to ensure roads are safely closed when natural incidents such as fallen trees or floods occur in addition to serious road traffic collisions.
On a regular basis Local Police will find more time to proactively patrol the roads, conducting more vehicle check points, detecting more offences such as No Insurance and Drink Driving and have the ability the monitor all major roads for speeding or mobile phone offences.
With no resources assigned to Neighbourhood Policing in your area, the community will see an obvious divide between them and the Police, critical communication between hard to reach communities will be lost and we will see an increase in tensions and mistrust towards the Police.
The majority of communities in your area will start to see less Police in their neighbourhoods, community leaders and groups will struggle to keep a single point of contact in the Police and the ability for Police to attend community meetings or simply visit members of the community will significantly decrease.
More resources now available to be placed in other departments such as Emergency and Priority Response calls.
Patrolling of every neighbourhood and attending every meeting or group will start to become more difficult for neighbourhood officers. The community will start to see a slight decrease in interaction however the majority of members of the communities will still see a Police presence.
With Policing with the Community at the forefront of your agenda, community confidence will continue to rise year after year. Police will attempt to patrol your local neighbourhoods on a regular basis, interacting with their members. Neighbourhood Officers will be able to sustain their relationships with leaders and representatives to solidify community links between them and Police.
With Policing with the Community at the forefront of your agenda, community confidence will continue to rise year after year. Neighbourhoods will see Police on a more regular basis patrolling their area interacting with their members. Neighbourhood Officers will be able to sustain and develop their relationships with leaders and representatives as well as reaching out to new communities and stake holders.
Sacrifices made elsewhere to resource this level.
With Policing with the Community leading your agenda, community confidence will rise exponentially. Neighbourhoods will see Police every day patrolling their area and interacting with their members. Neighbourhood Officers will be able to sustain and develop their relationships with leaders and representatives as well as reaching out numerous new communities and stake holders.
Community meetings and public views will help develop the future of Policing in your area however sacrifices will have to made elsewhere in departments such as Serious and Organised Crime or Vulnerable Persons.
With no resources assigned to ASB, the 61, 239 incidents reported to Police in 2017/2018 would go unanswered. This responsibility will be left to statutory agencies such as the councils, charities and youth workers.
With minimal resources allocated to dealing with ASB; the majority of calls for service will go unanswered or at an extensive delay. ASB will increase exponentially, and those statutory agencies such as the Council will be under pressure to protect local communities and those most vulnerable.
With fewer resources and less visible Policing dealing with ASB and those involved, incident and crime levels will start to increase and community confidence will decrease. Police will have to enhance their relationships and collaborative working with outside agencies such as the council to compensate for the reduction in resources.
Adequate resources are allocated to ASB, all calls will be treated as priority, levels will continue to drop and Community confidence will rise. Vulnerable victims, buildings and the community will receive extensive proactive policing to deter offenders. Police will continue to collaborate with outside agencies to deter such behavior and tackle the root of the problem.
With increased resources allocated to ASB, all calls will be treated as priority, levels will drop significantly and community confidence will rise. Vulnerable victims, buildings and the community will receive extensive proactive policing to deter offenders. Police will continue to collaborate with outside agencies to deter such behaviour and tackle the root of the problem, lending Police resources to assist in more community outreach programs.
In addition to this Police in your area will be able to develop new and innovative crime prevention initiatives, and have the resources to fund and implement them.
With substantial resources allocated to ASB, all calls will be treated as priority, levels will drop exponentially and community confidence will rise to its highest. Vulnerable victims, buildings and the community will receive extensive proactive policing to deter offenders. Police will continue to collaborate with outside agencies and develop new relationships with youth groups and charities to deter such behavior and tackle the root of the problem, lending Police resources to assist in more community outreach programs.
In addition to this Police in your area will be able to develop new and innovative crime prevention initiatives, and have the resources to fund and implement them. This could mean extra security measures in your area, Police walking the streets targeting identified areas and individuals and each community will see a unique plan composed to assist their neighbourhoods.
With no resources allocated to Priority Offenders and Repeat Offender Units, Local Police Officers on the ground would be spend significantly more amount of time dealing with these offenders resulting in more time producing files in Offices and less time patrolling local communities.
With this amount of resources allocated to priority Offenders and Repeat Offender Units it is envisaged that they will be able to manage up to 100 Priority Offenders and have the capability to discourage reoffending, promote rehabilitation and in turn provide security to Local Communities affected by these offenders.
With this amount of resources allocated to priority Offenders and Repeat Offender Units it is envisaged that they will be able to manage up to 200 Priority Offenders and have the capability to discourage reoffending, promote rehabilitation and in turn provide security to Local Communities affected by these offenders.
With this amount of resources allocated to priority Offenders and Repeat Offender Units it is envisaged that they will be able to manage up to 300 Priority Offenders and have the capability to discourage reoffending, promote rehabilitation and in turn provide security to Local Communities affected by these offenders.
Large amount of workload will be taken off local Police in your area; more time and resources allocated to helping those most vulnerable.
With this amount of resources allocated to priority Offenders and Repeat Offender Units it is envisaged that they will be able to manage up to 400 Priority Offenders and have the capability to discourage reoffending, promote rehabilitation and in turn provide security to Local Communities affected by these offenders.
Significant amount of workload taken off local police in your area; more time and resources allocated to helping the most vulnerable.
With this abundance of resources allocated to priority Offenders and Repeat Offender Units it is envisaged that they will be able to manage up to 500 Priority Offenders and have the capability to discourage reoffending, promote rehabilitation and in turn provide security to Local Communities affected by these offenders. Collaborative working with partner agencies will be seamless lending to more programs being developed to reducing recidivism.
There will be a significant amount of workload taken off local police in your area; more time and resources allocated to helping those most vulnerable.
Police will unfortunately be unable to attend or Police any events organised in Northern Ireland. Road networks will be unable to be closed to facilitate parades, protests, or ease of access to events; assurance of security in large groups will vanish and keeping people safe will become very difficult of the Police.
Police will start to have to decide whether to decline invitations to assist at large events organised in Northern Ireland or send a largely reduced number of Police to them. Disruption and lack of control may start to show at events such as parades or sporting events.
Having to reduce resources policing large events across Northern Ireland may see some events being unpoliced with Police having to prioritise events based on long term benefit to Northern Ireland. Organisers will start to struggle to get adequate Police to assist them in the running of a safe and enjoyable experience for all attending.
Majority of appropriate events organised in Northern Ireland will continue to see an extensive Police presence ensuring that everyone enjoys themselves while staying safe knowing that the Police are there in numbers.
Police will be able to co-ordinate with organisers at most events in your area, they will be able to provide resources to ensure that events run safely and disruption is kept to a minimum while allowing those attending to enjoy themselves. Strategic Road networks will be policed to minimise delay in attending such events while also mimimising disruption to local residents and commuters.
Police will be able to co-ordinate with organisers at all appropriate events in your area, they will be able to provide resources to ensure that events run safely and disruption is kept to an absolute minimum while allowing those attending to enjoy themselves. Strategic Road networks will be policed to minimise delay in attending such events while also mimimising disruption to local residents and commuters.
By over resourcing events this will inevitably take resources from attending priority and emergency calls and may put some specialist investigations on hold while Officers police events.
Police will be unable to provide any education, public messages or media appeals putting vulnerable persons and children at risk of exploitation. Police will receive less critical information to assist them in investigations for missing persons etc.
The quality of Police Education will inevitably be reduced in your area, with less resources able to learn, conduct research and deliver safety education the public and more importantly those most vulnerable will not receive extensive assistance to keep themselves safe. Majority of education will have to come from the Police's central communication outlets such as the website and social media. Very few face to face educational interactions will be afforded.
A slight decrease in resources in your area will see Police having to sacrifice some public interaction or events, committing only to localised communications and interactions rather than specific community groups or schools. A good quality of education will still reach the majority but some gaps will appear and education will start moving towards the digital world rather than face to face interactions.
Police will continue to be able to provide comprehensive education to members of the public in your area across most platforms, social media, PSNI website, advertisements, school and group talks, and stalls at events. Members of the Public will be able to take advantage of the information and education to protect themselves.
Police in your area will be able to provide extensive education to members of the public across all platforms, social media, PSNI website, advertisements, school and group talks, and stalls at events. Increased capability to develop new approaches to educate vulnerable persons such as; the elderly against emerging crime trend of scams or rogue traders by being proactive towards their needs, rather than reactive after they have already been a victim.
Police will have the resources available to collaborate more with partner agencies and charities to allow members of the Public to take advantage of the mass information and education to protect themselves.
Police in your area will be able to provide extensive education to members of the public across all platforms, social media, PSNI website, advertisements, school and group talks, and stalls at events. Substantial capability to develop new approaches targeted at educating vulnerable persons such as the elderly against emerging crime trends of scams and rogue traders or youths against emerging crime trends such as Child Sexual Exploitation by being proactive towards their needs rather than reactive after they have already been a victim.
Police will have the resources available to collaborate with numerous partner agencies and charities to allow members of the Public to take advantage of the mass information and education to protect themselves.
No resources will be allocated to dealing with Domestic Abuse, every 18 minutes a call from a victim of a domestic assistance will do unanswered putting the safety of those victims significantly at risk.
Significant risk to the majority of victims of domestic abuse, extensive delay in response times unless an emergency call, lack of swift action against perpetrators and care for victims.
Those calls that cannot be attended by Local Police will have to be conducted by Specialist teams in slow time. There will be no capabilities for specialist training for front line police and reduced partnerships with charities such as Woman's Aid.
Resources will start to struggle to attend all domestic incidents before significant harm comes to victims unless the call is deemed an emergency. Response times will inevitably increase as more investigations are passed to specialist teams to conduct slow time investigations.
There will be a reduction in the amount of specialist training provided to front line officers, however any reduction in resource or training will see other departments having to over compensate to provide the vital assistance to these types of incidents.
Resources will continue to attend all Domestic incidents, conduct comprehensive investigations in a timely fashion and provide initial care and support to protect those most vulnerable and bring perpetrators to justice swiftly.
Police will continue to work in collaboration with charities such as Woman's Aid and Men's Advisory Project and specialist training will continue to be provided to as many front line officers as possible.
Dedicated resources will continue to attend all Domestic incidents in quicker response times, conduct comprehensive investigations in a timely fashion and provide initial care and support to protect those most vulnerable and bring perpetrators to justice swiftly. Officers investigating initial enquiries will have better training in dealing with such matters which in turn will increase standard of support to victims and likelihood of prosecutions of offenders.
Police will work in collaboration with and provide support to numerous charities such as Woman's Aid and Men's Advisory Project, Police will have the capability to send more Officers to interactive sessions with victims and their families to build relationships and trust that will flow to the rest of the community in your area.
Substantial dedicated resources will attend all Domestic incidents in much quicker response times, conduct comprehensive investigations in a swift and complete fashion and provide gold standard initial care and support to protect those most vulnerable and bring perpetrators to justice swiftly. Officers investigating initial enquiries will have focused specialist training in dealing with such matters which in turn will increase standard of support to victims and likelihood of prosecutions of offenders.
Police will work in collaboration with and provide support to numerous charities such as Woman's Aid and Men's Advisory Project, Police will have the capability to send numerous Officers to interactive sessions on a weekly basis with victims and their families to build relationships and trust that will flow to the rest of the community in your area
No resources allocated to investigating Child Abuse and Protection. All these investigations and preventative measures will have to be completed by outside agencies such as Social Services and charities. Exponential risk to the welfare of children with no local Policing resources allocated to caring for them.
Local Police will be unable to attend joint agency meetings leaving the work to be taken on by our partner agencies.
Local Policing resources allocated to Child Abuse and Protection will be considerably stretched, response times to partner agency requests from Social Services for example will be significantly delayed. Social Services will still be able to act on behalf of the welfare of the children however prosecution of offenders will be delayed and immediate protection or extraction of children from volatile situations will become difficult except in extreme emergency circumstances.
With reduced capacity for Child Abuse and Protection attendance and investigations, less time will be allocated to conducting these investigations with less capability for specialist training.
However Police will still be able to work closely with partner agencies such as Social Services to protect some of those most vulnerable in your community.
Resources in Local Policing dedicated to attending and investigating Child Abuse and Protection incidents will continue to conduct extensive investigations using their specialist training and knowledge whilst having the welfare of children at the fore front of their goals.
Police will continue to work closely with Social Services and other partner agencies to conduct collaborative investigations ensuring that children in Northern Ireland are protected as best as possible from abuse.
Resources in Local Policing dedicated attending and investigating Child Abuse and Protection incidents will be increased and will conduct extensive investigations in collaboration with specialist departments. Additional specialist training will be available to more Officers and Staff, expanding the knowledge of Local Police whilst having the welfare of children at the fore front of their goals.
Police will work closely with Social Services and other partner agencies to conduct collaborative investigations ensuring that children in Northern Ireland are protected as best as possible from abuse. Your Officers and Staff will have the capabilities to look at target focused proactive investigations to protect children and bring more offenders to justice.
Resources in Local Policing dedicated attending and investigating Child Abuse and Protection incidents will be substantial and will conduct extensive investigations in collaboration with specialist departments. Specialist training will be available to all Officers and Satff, expanding the knowledge of Local Police whilst having the welfare fo children at the fore front of their goals.
Police will work closely with Social Services and other partner agencies to conduct collaborative investigations ensuring that children in Northern Ireland are protected as best as possible from abuse. Your Officers and Staff will have the investigative capabilities and technology to look at target focused proactive investigations to protect children and bring more offenders to justice.
No resources will be allocated to dealing with crimes involving vulnerable persons such as the elderly at risk of scams or young children at risk of sexual exploitation. Crime rates will continue to rise at an exponential rate.
Only very high risk incidents attended to immediately by Local Policing Teams dedicated to Emergency calls however the extent of their investigation may be limited and specialist teams will have to follow up in slow time.
Elderly and Vulnerable adults at substantial risk of being victims of scams while children at risk of sexual exploitation. Massively reduced focus on education, investigative quality reduced and likelihood of suspects being brought to justice significantly reduced.
Only high risk incidents attended to immediately by Local Policing Teams dedicated to Emergency calls, however the extent of their investigation may be limited and specialist teams will have to follow up in slow time.
Resources will be at maximum capacity to deal with crimes involving vulnerable persons, pressure will start to show and investigations will be at risk, quality of evidence against suspects will decrease resulting in fewer convictions.
Only high risk incidents attended to immediately by Local Policing Teams dedicated to Emergency calls however the extent of their investigation may be limited and specialist teams will have to follow up in slow time.
Everyday Police will continue to answer the 517 calls for service regarding a vulnerable person. Police will be able to contribute resources to investigating these crimes and providing education and protection to those at the most risk.
Everyday Police will continue to answer the 517 calls for service regarding a vulnerable person. However Police will be able to contribute additional resources to investigating these crimes and providing focused education and protection to those at the most risk.
Police will have the resources to work collaboratively and effectively with partner and voluntary agencies such as Social Services to develop joint approaches to protecting vulnerable persons.
Everyday Police will continue to answer the 517 calls for service regarding a vulnerable person. However Police will be able to contribute substantial resources to training and investigating these crimes and providing focused education and protection to those at the most risk. More protection will mean fewer calls for service and more opportunity for proactive interactions by Officers and Staff.
Police will have the resources and capabilities to work collaboratively and effectively with partner and voluntary agencies such as Social Services to develop joint approaches to protecting and educating vulnerable persons, reducing the workload and pressures on these agencies and the health service. Possibility of increased community and partner confidence in your Police service.
No resources allocated to investigating the 12,000 missing persons every year, exponential risk to welfare and life.
Only very high risk missing persons will be investigated with limited resources; where the risk posed is real and immediate and there are substantial grounds for believing that the subject is in danger through their own vulnerability or ill health; or may have been the victim of a serious crime involving a real and immediate threat of harm; or the risk posed is immediate and there are substantial grounds for believing that the public is in real and immediate danger. For example, potential murder victim; child abduction; vulnerable person contemplating suicide and assessed as intending to attempt it; a detainee under Mental health legislation where there are serious concerns are of risk to the public; a child at high risk of CSE.
Resources nearing critical level, significant risk to life posed due to delayed response times to Medium and Low Risk investigations; and lengthy periods to complete complex high risk missing person's investigations.
Only high risk missing persons will be investigated with reduced resources; where the risk posed is real and immediate and there are substantial grounds for believing that the subject is in danger through their own vulnerability or ill health; or may have been the victim of a serious crime involving a real and immediate threat of harm; or the risk posed is immediate and there are substantial grounds for believing that the public is in real and immediate danger.
For example, potential murder victim; child abduction; vulnerable person contemplating suicide and assessed as intending to attempt it; a detainee under Mental health legislation where there are serious concerns are of risk to the public; a child at high risk of CSE.
Investigations in to Medium and Low Risk missing persons will be sacrificed and conducted with very limited resources or at a serious delay.
Police will hopefully still have enough resources to deal with the 12,000 reported missing persons a year however response times will be reduced and some low risk missing person investigations may be sacrificed.
High and Medium risk investigations will receive as many resources as can be spared to locate those at most risk before any harm comes to them.
Police from all departments will continue to work collaboratively to conduct extensive and timely investigations where possible.
Police will continue to conduct investigations in to Missing Persons across Northern Ireland with resources available at the time to help locate those missing and prevent them from harm.
Low, Medium and High Risk missing person investigations will be prioritised, resourced and conducted as promptly as possible to ensure the welfare of those missing is ensured as best as possible.
Police will have capabilities to conduct extensive investigations in to Missing Persons across Northern Ireland with resources available to help locate those missing and prevent them from harm.
Low, Medium and High Risk missing person investigations will be prioritised, resourced and conducted promptly to ensure the welfare of those missing is ensured as best as possible.
Police from all departments and resources from partner and voluntary agencies will continue to work collaboratively to conduct extensive and timely investigations where possible. Police will attempt to develop new and innovative training, techniques and technology to aid in the swift locating of Missing persons.
Police will have capabilities to conduct extensive investigations in to Missing Persons across Northern Ireland with all resources available to help locate those missing and prevent them from harm.
Police from all departments and resources from partner and voluntary agencies will continue to work collaboratively to conduct extensive and timely investigations where possible. Police will dedicate themselves to new and innovative training, techniques and technology to aid in the swift locating of Missing persons.
No resources allocated to mental health incidents, 154 calls every day going unanswered. Serious risk posed to the welfare of those with mental health conditions. Immense increase put on other agencies with statutory responsibility to accommodate the extra work not relieved by Police.
Low resources allocated to mental health incidents will see substantial risk levels for the welfare of vulnerable persons with mental health problems. Police and other public health agencies will have to find new and innovative ways to work before serious harm is caused.
Police will have to work closer with other Public Agencies in order to alleviate the pressure on resources tasked to mental health incidents. Majority of calls will be dealt with in an appropriate and timely manner.
Police resources will continue to attend on average 154 calls a day relating to mental health. Assistance will be provided to other public agencies to look after the welfare of some of the most vulnerable people in Northern Ireland.
Local Police will have the capabilities to develop new teams which will bring together social services, paramedics and mental health nurses and advisors. These teams will reduce the requirement for some persons with mental health issues having to go to hospital but cared for in the safety of their own home.
Relief in workload for Hospital A & E Departments and the Police normally assigned to looking after these persons while they are there.
Police resources will continue to attend on average 154 calls a day relating to mental health. Assistance and collaboration will be provided to other public agencies to look after the welfare of some of the most vulnerable people in Northern Ireland.
Local Police will have the capabilities to develop and resource new teams which will bring together social services, paramedics and mental health nurses and advisors. These teams will reduce the requirement for some persons with mental health issues having to go to hospital but cared for in the safety of their own home. Additional resources will also be available to investigate preventative measures to ensure mental health incidents do not escalate while training will be provided to all Local Police to deal specifically with these incidents.
No resources allocated to Drug Offences. Drug activity in Northern Ireland will continue to rise immensely. Community confidence decline, and risk to life increases along with the impacts on the social and economic wellbeing.
High level drug trafficking and distribution still dealt with by specialist departments however Low level community based drug dealing and possession will be neglected.
Majority of low level drug offences in the community will go undetected and therefore not investigated as resources are significantly reduced. Stop and Search for the purposes of locating drugs capabilities within local neighbourhoods, schools and communities will be seriously diminished.
Levels of drug detections will struggle to keep up with current increase; may start to see less detections and less capability for stop and searches for drugs in communities; risk of social and economic decline.
Service delivery will run as is, detections will continue to rise. Community confidence will remain as is.
Every day Police will continue to deal with 18 drug offences, conduct proactive and reactive searches, have the ability to show their presence in areas known to be associated with drug crimes and educated local youths on the dangers of drug consumption.
Increased Service delivery, increased detections, and increased Community Confidence.
Local Policing will have the capabilities to not only assist specialist departments in their investigation of large scale possession and distribution but will be able to provide resources to proactively investigating, deterring and bringing local drug dealers to justice.
With more Police resources allocated, your Community will see more Police on the streets, more scope to educate youths on the dangers of drug consumption to deter future criminality. Possibility of increased collaborative working with partner agencies to assist in rehabilitation programmes for addicts.
Substantially increased; Service delivery, detections, and Community confidence.
Local Policing will have the capabilities to not only assist specialist departments in their investigation of large scale possession and distribution but will be able to provide extensive resources to proactively investigating, deterring and bringing local drug dealers to justice.
With extensive Police resources allocated your Community will see more Police on the streets with more scope to educate youths on the dangers of drug consumption to deter future criminality.
Specialist training may be afforded to Front line local Police to help combat drug offences while working collaboratively with partner agencies to assist in rehabilitation programmes for addicts in your area.
No resources allocated to tackling and investigating Terrorism/ Para militarism within local policing, severe risk posed to the community and Police Officers as proactive patrols cannot be resourced.
With under half of the current resources currently allocated to Terrorism/ Paramilitary disruption and investigations, results will become difficult; fewer investigations will mean possibility for increased disruption caused by these groups.
It will become difficult for local policing to adequately manage the disruption of Terrorism/ Paramilitary activities in Northern Ireland. Strain on resources to imbed their resources across all communities conducting proactive patrolling along with stop and searches.
Local Policing resources will continue to tackle, deter and investigate terrorism/ Paramilitary activity at current levels. The community will see Local Police patrolling their neighbourhoods on a daily basis.
Resources available in Local Policing to focus on tackling, deterring and investigating terrorism/ Paramilitary activity in your area with the assistance of specialist departments.
The community will see Local Police patrolling their neighbourhoods in numbers on a daily basis, conducting vehicle check points, engaging with community groups and leaders and working on developing outreach programmes to engage further communication with Police and hard to reach communities previously adverse to such interaction.
Substantial resources available in Local Policing to focus on tackling, deterring and investigating terrorism/ Paramilitary activity in your area with the assistance of specialist departments.
The community will see Local Police patrolling their neighbourhoods in numbers on a daily basis, conducting vehicle check points, engaging with community groups and leaders and working on developing and implementing outreach programmes to engage further communication with Police and hard to reach communities previously adverse to such interaction.
No resources allocated to tackling cyber crime and fraud; crime rates will continue to rise and in the modernising world are likely to rise at a much greater rate. Everyone is likely to become a victim of cyber crime especially those most vulnerable including elderly and children.
No training will be available to those attended such calls allocated as priority or emergency, leading to an inability to investigate all crimes and resulting in loss of evidence.
With minimal resources allocated, the majority of cyber enabled crimes and fraud offences will see a diminished response and investigation from Local Policing. Some of the most vulnerable persons in our community including the elderly and child will suffer as a result. Cyber motivated crimes and incidents linked to indecent images of children will increase by 94% and 443% respectively in next three years.
Some training will be available to those attended such calls allocated as priority or emergency, however this may still lead to an inability to investigate all crimes and resulting in loss of evidence.
The struggle to keep up with these emerging complex crimes will start to show, Police will be unable to keep up the tremendous work in developing technological advances to conduct investigations and bring offenders to justice. Cyber motivated crimes and incidents linked to indecent images of children will increase by 70% and 333% respectively in next three years.
Police resources will hopefully be able to keep advancing in their ability to tackle cybercrime, rates may continue to rise but Police will be able to use new and innovated techniques to tackle these complex investigations.
Local Police officers will continue to be trained as new investigative methods are developed. This equates to thorough investigations, more help provided to victims and increased likelihood of offenders being prosecuted.
Police resources will be able to keep advancing in their ability to tackle cybercrime, rates may continue to rise but Police will be able to develop and implement new and innovated techniques and technology to tackle these complex investigations.
With substantial Police resources allocated to advancing the Police's ability to tackle cybercrime, they might for the first time be able to get ahead of the techonology being used to commit these offences, they will be able develop and implement new and innovated techniques and technology to tackle these complex investigations. Working with the experts and partner agencies will be key.
Local Police officers will be trained extensively as new investigative methods are developed. This equates to thourough and professional early investigations, more help provided to victims and increased liklihood of offenders being prosecuted.
No resources allocated to proactively disrupt those looking to commit burglaries or those looking to take advantage of the most vulnerable. The community and businesses will suffer immensely and vulnerable persons will find their life earnings and their personal safety at serious risk.
Disruption and deterrence of Burglars and Rogue Traders will fall to communities installing their own crime prevention measures and Neighbourhood watches keeping an eye on their areas vigilantly.
Less than half of the 19 Burglaries reported every day will get an adequate Police response, some investigative lines of enquiry may have to be sacrificed and as a result less offenders will be brought to justice and rates will increase.
Extensive investigative enquiries such as House to House questioning or CCTV collection or evidence gathering will have to be carried out by victims. Unless there are obvious lines of enquiry or evidence Police may deal with some burglaries over the phone through the Telephone Resolution Unit.
Disruption and deterrence of Burglars and Rogue Traders will in some cases fall to communities installing their own crime prevention measures and Neighbourhood watches keeping an eye on their areas vigilantly.
Local Police will still attend on-going burglaries or rogue traders taking advantage of vulnerable victims.
Local Police will attend all high priority or on-going incidents involving burglaries or rogue traders however retrospective burglaries and rogue trader investigations will see a delayed response. Unless there are obvious lines of enquiry or evidence Police may deal with some burglaries over the phone through the Telephone Resolution Unit. Communities may start to see less proactive patrols outside of hot-spot areas to deter such offences.
Police will still be able to work closely with Councils and Neighbourhoods watches around crime prevention and education along with auctioning any comments that arise indicating where and when burglaries are taking place or where rogue traders are frequenting.
Local Police will continue to proactively target priority offenders and burglary hotspots when possible. The rate of burglaries will continue to fall and rogue traders will be deterred by regular Police patrols and vulnerable victims will be protected.
Police will still continue to work closely with Communities, Councils, banks and Neighbourhood watches around crime prevention and education along with investigating any comments that arise indicating where and when burglaries are taking place or where rogue traders are frequenting.
Local Police will proactively target priority offenders and burglary hotspots during identified periods with uplift in crime. The rate of burglaries will continue to fall and rogue traders will be deterred by regular Police patrols and vulnerable victims will be protected.
Police will still continue to work closely with Communities, Councils, banks and Neighbourhoods watches around crime prevention and education along with investigating any comments that arise indicating where and when burglaries are taking place or where rogue traders are frequenting.
All burglaries will be treated as a priority and on-going burglaries will see an increase in resources being able to attend to capture the suspects. Communities and members of the Public will begin to feel safer in their homes.
Local Police will proactively target priority offenders and burglary hotspots during identified periods with uplift in crime. The rate of burglaries will fall significantly and rogue traders will be deterred by daily Police patrols and vulnerable victims will be protected.
Police will still work closely with Communities, Councils, banks and Neighbourhoods watches around crime prevention and education along with investigating all comments that arise indicating where and when burglaries are taking place or where rogue traders are frequenting.
All burglaries will be treated as a priority and on-going burglaries will see an increase in resources being able to attend to capture the suspects. Communities and members of the Public will feel much safer in their homes.
No resources allocated to initial attendance of Homicide Offences, No local Policing resources to manage scenes, community disruption or disorder. Scenes will not be able to be held by Local Police in your area. Resources will have to be extracted from other specialist departments.
Significant delay in securing evidence, identify suspects or aiding victim's family and friends.
Minimal resources allocated to attending Homicide Offences. Local Police in your area may be able to attend initially but in significantly reduced numbers with limited capability to conduct all enquiries including securing evidence, identifying or arresting suspects or aiding the family and friends of potential victims.
Extensive searches or prolonged scenes will have to be held by Specialist departments taking away from their regular duties.
Significant Community confidence decline as high profile, media intensive investigations are not investigated professionally.
Reduced resources allocated to attending Homicide Offences. Already stretched Local Police in your area may be able to attend in adequate numbers and will have limited capability to conduct all enquiries including securing evidence, identifying or arresting suspects or aiding the family and friends of potential victims.
Community confidence decline as high profile, media intensive investigations are not investigated professionally.
Adequate resources allocated to Local Police in your area to be able to attend all homicides and will have capability to conduct all enquiries including securing evidence, identifying or arresting suspects or aiding the family and friends of potential victims until Murder investigation Teams have attended.
Extensive searches or prolonged scenes will be able to be held however risk of taking resources from attending priority and emergency calls or any other Local Policing department.
Possibility of satisfactory Community confidence as resources available to ensure no disorder occurs or significant disruption is caused.
Increased resources allocated to Local Police in your area to be able to attend all homicides and who have capability and training to conduct all enquiries professionally including securing evidence, identifying or arresting suspects or aiding the family and friends of potential victims until Murder investigation Teams have attended.
Increased Community confidence as resources available to ensure no disorder occurs or significant disruption is caused while allowing Police to patrol the area regular post incident to ensure the rest of the Community feel safer in their own homes.
Substantial resources allocated to Local Police in your area to be able to attend all homicides and who have capability and training to conduct extensive enquiries professionally including securing evidence, identifying or arresting suspects or aiding the family and friends of potential victims until Murder investigation Teams have attended.
Extensive searches or prolonged scenes will be able to be held as long as required with limited risk of taking resources from attending priority and emergency calls or any other Local Policing department.
Possibility of greater Community confidence as resources available to ensure no disorder occurs or significant disruption is caused while allowing Police to conduct daily reassurance patrols in the area regular post incident to ensure the rest of the Community feel safer in their own homes.
No resources allocated to Custody Suites or Prisoner Processing, none of the 11 Custody suites in Northern Ireland will be able to deal with the 22,300 prisoners looking to be processed in them . Serious risk posed to swift prosecution of offenders and safety of the Public.
Less than half of the adequate resources allocated to Custody and Prisoner Processing. Swift detention, investigation and processing of offenders will suffer greatly. Public confidence will decline and their safety will be put at risk.
Consequentially waiting times will be significantly increased, less Police will be able to be released back to patrolling the streets and safety of custody staff and prisoners will be put at risk.
Custody suites and prisoner processing teams will be stretched; investigations will inevitably become delayed as processing of detainees takes longer. More offenders will have to be dealt with by other means putting the public and victims at risk of further offending.
Consequentially waiting times will be increased slightly, less Police will be able to be released back to patrolling the streets and safety of custody staff and prisoners will be put at risk.
Police Service Delivery will continue as is, all 22,300 detainees will be processed; critical evidence will be gained in order to prosecute offenders. Offenders will be taken off the street and be dealt with swiftly.
Police Service Delivery in Custody suites will become better and swifter, all 22,300 detainees will be processed with less waiting times; critical evidence will be gained in order to prosecute offenders.
The welfare of Officers, Staff and Prisoners will be less at risk as more attention can be provided to individual prisoners. More staff in Custody suites means fewer requirement for front line police for prolonged periods of time leaving them available to patrol the streets again.
Police Service Delivery in Custody suites will excellent and swift, all 22,300 detainees will be processed with significantly less waiting times; critical evidence will be gained in order to prosecute offenders.
The welfare of Officers, Staff and Prisoners will be less at risk as more attention can be provided to individual prisoners. Substantial staff in Custody suites means no requirement for front line police for prolonged periods of time leaving them available to patrol the streets again.
No resources allocated to preparing the 23,000 case files submitted, frontline officers will have to complete this entire process themselves which is extremely lengthy, offenders will not be brought to court swiftly and will not be prosecuted in a timely manner.
Police will struggle to process half of the 23,000 case files submitted in 2017/2018 in a timely fashion. Significant reduction in prosecutions, victim confidence in the criminal justice system will be affected greatly resulting in fewer victims being willing to report crimes in the future.
Frontline Officers having to be taken from their regular duties to complete this process which means less Officers on the street, less offenders detected, fewer investigations conducted and a drop in the amount of case files submitted and offenders prosecuted.
Those resources allocated to file preparation will become stretched, as a result quality of files may deteriorate and fewer offenders will be brought to justice in court.
Some frontline Officers having to be taken from their regular duties to complete this process which means less Officers on the street, less offenders detected, fewer investigations conducted and a slight drop in the amount of case files submitted and offenders prosecuted.
Service Delivery in the preparation of case files of offenders will continue as is. All Offenders likely to be prosecuted will continue to be brought to justice in courts. An amount of case files will be taken off frontline Officers allowing them more time to carry out their other duties.
Increased resources allocated to preparing case files from frontline Officers. Quality and timeliness of case files to improve meaning more offenders brought to justice quicker.
With more files taken off frontline Officers this will afford them more time to conduct other enquiries such as patrolling Neighbourhoods, attending Emergency and Priority calls or detecting further criminal offences.
Substantial resources allocated to preparing case files from frontline Officers. Quality and timeliness of case files to improve significantly meaning more offenders brought to justice quicker.
With many more files taken off frontline Officers this will afford them a lot more time to conduct other enquiries such as patrolling Neighbourhoods, attending Emergency and Priority calls or detecting further criminal offences.
Community confidence to increase on the whole with more Offenders brought to justice while keeping frontline Officers on the street.
No resources allocated to the administration or servicing of summons and warrants. Significant delay in court proceedings, reliance on court to issue own summons through postal service, or non-police/ public service to conduct this process.
The ratio of resources to summons and warrants will become overwhelming, resources will be unable to deliver and action within appropriate time scales, offenders will see a serious delay in their prosecutions and victims and the community will suffer as a consequence.
Local Policing resources will have to commence prioritisation of some summons and warrants, based on level of offence, time issues, severity, and ramifications. This may result in majority of summons and warrants being set aside for some time or sent back to the courts to deal with by other means such as postal service.
Police resources will start to struggle to find time to deliver summons issued by the courts, warrants will not be actioned and court proceedings will begin to see delays as a result.
Local Policing resources will have to commence prioritisation of summons and warrants, based on level of offence, time issues, severity, and ramifications. This may result in a few summons and warrants being set aside for some time or sent back to the courts to deal with by other means such as postal service.
Service delivery of Warrants and Summons will continue as is. Efficient Administration will find majority of warrants and summons actioned every year.
Fewer warrants will go unactioned or summons undelivered by Local Police. Police will have the resources to conduct these enquiries on behalf of the court ensuring that the vast majority of victims, suspects or witness's attend court on the court date, they will also have the resources to seek out more persons wanted on money or bench warrants to obtain the outstanding amount of money or bring them before the next available court.
Very few warrants will go unactioned or summons undelivered by Local Police. Police will have the resources to conduct these enquiries on behalf of the court ensuring that the vast majority of victims, suspects or witness's attend court on the court date, they will also have the resources to investigate and seek out all persons wanted on money or bench warrants to obtain the outstanding amount of money or bring them before the next available court.
Legacy Investigation Branch will be unable to review and investigate any Legacy Crimes, lose in confidence and trust from families of victims. Hundreds of Criminals never brought to justice. All responsibility will lie with the Coroner’s Office and their investigators.
More resources and budget available to be redistributed throughout the rest of Local Policing, possible allocation to emerging crime trends such as Cyber Crime or Local Policing Teams being able to be more proactive and quicker response times.
Legacy Investigation Branch will be able to review and progress only those investigations with already identified lines of enquiries and a realistic chance of bringing offenders to justice. Many investigations will have to be set aside and not returned to for some time, possibility that victim's families, witnesses or suspects may have died in the interim.
Significant resources and budget available to be redistributed throughout the rest of Local Policing, possible allocation to emerging crime trends such as Cyber Crime or Local Policing Teams being able to be more proactive and quicker response times to Emergency and Priority calls.
Legacy Investigation Branch will be able to review and progress a substantial amount of their current demand; those investigations with already identified lines of enquiries and a realistic chance of bringing offenders to justice, new lines of enquiries provided by members of the public will be pursued thoroughly, some capability for reviewing more of the 45 million documents held by the PSNI.
A small amount of resources and budget available to be redistributed throughout the rest of Local Policing, possible allocation to emerging crime trends such as Cyber Crime or Local Policing Teams being able to be more proactive and quicker response times to Emergency and Priority calls.
Legacy Investigation Branch will be able to progress as is; those investigations with already identified lines of enquiries and a realistic chance of bringing offenders to justice, new lines of enquiries provided by members of the public will be pursued thoroughly, some capability for reviewing more of the 45 million documents held by the PSNI. Budget costs and demand will still rise; extensive resources taken from Local Policing Teams to conduct these investigations.
There will be less visible Police on the streets and less capabilities for keeping people safe.
Legacy Investigation Branch will be able to go above current service delivery level; in addition to those investigations with already identified lines of enquiries and a realistic chance of bringing offenders to justice, new lines of enquiries provided by members of the public will be pursued thoroughly, they will have more capability for reviewing more of the 45 million documents held by the PSNI. Budget costs and demand will still rise; extensive resources taken from Local Policing Teams to conduct these investigations.
There will be much less visible Police on the streets and less capabilities for keeping people safe.
Legacy Investigation Branch will be able to go way above current service delivery level; in addition to those investigations with already identified lines of enquiries and a realistic chance of bringing offenders to justice, new lines of enquiries provided by members of the public will be pursued thoroughly, they will have much more capability for reviewing much more of the 45 million documents held by the PSNI. Budget costs and demand will still rise; extensive resources taken from Local Policing Teams to conduct these investigations.
There will be a significant possibility of less visible Police on the streets and less capabilities for keeping people safe.
No resources allocated to call management, the 783,586 calls to Police in 2017 including 999 and 101 calls will go unanswered, victims will receive no response from Police when they call, life and property put at serious risk.
999 and 101 callers will start to see a significant delay in the answering of their calls, target rates will drop by massively and victims of crime will suffer from a delayed response time.
Police Officers and Staff will default to only answering emergency calls, not able to answer calls 24/7, and will see an inability to answer 101 calls.
999 and 101 callers will start to see a slight delay during peak hours in the answering of their calls, target rates will drop by 20% and victims of crime will suffer from a delayed response time.
Service Delivery continue as is, 92.60% of 999 calls will be answered in less than 10 seconds with 81.89% of 101 calls being answered in less than 30 seconds.
Service Delivery improved, more than 93% of 999 calls will be answered in less than 10 seconds with more than 82% of 101 calls being answered in less than 30 seconds.
Service Delivery to near perfection, 100% of 999 calls will be answered in less than 10 seconds with more than 90% of 101 calls being answered in less than 30 seconds.
This will in turn massively reduce response time from Emergency and Priority Local Policing Officers in your area, which in turn gets them quicker to victims to help keep them safe.
No resources will be allocated to front line assistance, flow of information on to Police System will cease, and unimaginable delay in Police Investigations, Police Officers will be able to spend less time in the community and will find themselves in an office inputting data instead. Officers will update victims when they have capacity, with limited ability to update victims at pre-defined times.
Insufficient resources allocated to back room assistance and victim udpating, significant delay in investigations. Police able to spend less time in communities dealing with incident.
Local Police will have to go back to attending majority of calls that could have previously been resolved satisfactorily over the phone by Telephone Resolution Unit.
Resources allocated are now at maximum capacity, stress factors increased on staff and officers, not all roles already performed will be completed in a timely fashion.
Police Officers and Staff will have to prioritise victim updates and requests only handling those deemed as a requirement. Some of those calls resolved satisfactorily over the phone by the Telephone Resolution Unit will have to be attended again by those resources tasked to attending emergency and priority response calls.
Adequate resources allocated, this role will be completed competently however under extreme demand as calls for service increase and more information is required to be inputted.
Police Officers and Staff still will answer all calls to assist frontline officers but delays are noted at peak demand times. Telephone Resolution Unit will work to reduce attendance to as many appropriate calls as possible to free up resources to conduct other more serious duties. Victim updates will be conducted as per policy.
Improved resources allocated, this role will be completed more efficiently under extreme demand as calls for service increase and more information is required to be inputted.
Police Officers and Staff still will answer all calls to assist frontline officers with fewer delays noted at peak demand times. Telephone Resolution Unit will have capacity to take more calls, working to reduce attendance to as many appropriate calls as possible to free up resources to conduct other more serious duties.
Victims will receive updates more often than policy states.
Substantial resources allocated, this role will be completed much more efficiently under the extreme demand as calls for service increase and more information is required to be inputted. Staff stress levels will reduce with the greater capacity to carry out their function.
Police Officers and Staff still will answer all calls to assist frontline officers with little delay noted at any time. Telephone Resolution Unit will have capacity to take all appropriate calls, working to significantly reduce attendance to as many appropriate calls as possible to free up resources to conduct other more serious duties.
Victims of all crimes will be updated at every step of the investigation with the ability to request an update at any time.
As is; Police will not charge for their services outside of event areas such as music concerts, football matches or parades.
Police will only charge for those events which require large scale Police deployment, road closures and public disruption. This may mean Police charging for Policing outside music events which may in turn increase ticket prices for the price of keeping people safe.
Police will charge for any events where it is estimated that over 20,000 people will be in attendance, where road closures are required or where public order incidents are likely to take place.
Police will charge for any events where it is estimated that over 10,000 people will be in attendance, where road closures are required or where public order incidents are likely to take place.
Police will charge for any events where it is estimated that over 5,000 people will be in attendance, where road closures are required or where public order incidents are likely to take place.
Police will charge for any event they are requested at. Irrespective of the type of event, scale of disruption or estimated attendance. Prices will be equated on a case by case basis after resourcing costs are compiled.